Actually, it would be more appropriate to call it Drage Home, because villas are defined by their interior decoration, furniture, electronics, gadgets and all the luxurity they provide, but homes, among all this, posess that special esoteric spirit that will capture you at the front gate of this little peace of heaven on earth.
OK AMOR - Obrt za poljoprivredu i ugostiteljstvo
Ulica dr. Franje Tuđmana 2
21201 Prgomet, Croatia
PDV br.HR29869337893
Zajednički obrt, vl. Arsen Krnić i Rašeljka Krnić
Mobile: +385 98 98 23 965
+385 98 27 63 96
Phone: +385 21 896 203
+385 21 896 230
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IBAN: HR13 2340 0091 1602 6471 9
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